Consumer Disclosure Information
The Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) was designed to help students and parents make better-informed decisions about higher education. With this goal in mind, Big Sandy Community and Technical College has developed this Web site for students, parents, the College community, and the general public. Please note that many links will connect to existing information elsewhere.
Contact information is listed at the bottom of this page if you have questions or wish to request additional information.
General Information
Accreditation, Approval, and Licensure of Institution and Programs
- Accreditation Statement
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) (Regional Accreditation)
- Kentucky Council of Postsecondary Education
Contact the Office of the President for further information regarding accreditation and licensing.
Complaint Process for Current Residents of Kentucky
The Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) serves as the coordinating agency for postsecondary education in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The CPE is the agency that handles complaints about Big Sandy Community and Technical College and has the ability to act on those complaints from students residing in Kentucky. Students should attempt to resolve the complaint through the established protocol at Big Sandy Community and Technical College before contacting CPE.
Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education
1024 Capital Center Drive #320
Frankfort, KY 40601-7512
email: cpeconsumercomplaint@ky.gov
Consumer Information on College Navigator Website
Copyright Infringement Policies and Sanctions (including Computer Use and File Sharing)
Diversity of Student Body
- Enrollment (Gender, Racial/Ethnic, and Pell Grant Recipients)
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Information
Disabilities Services Available for Students
Financial Aid Information
- Code of Conduct for Education Loans
- Continued Student Eligibility and Satisfactory Academic Progress
- Disbursement for Books and Supplies
- Eligibility Requirements and Procedures for Applying for Aid (Prospective Students)
- Employment as Part of the Aid Package (Labor Program)
- Entrance Counseling for Student Loan Borrowers
- Exit Counseling for Student Loan Borrowers
- Federal Financial Aid Penalties for Drug Law Violations
- Financial Aid Deadlines
- Financial Assistance Programs Available to Students
- National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS)
- Preferred Lender Arrangements Big Sandy has no preferred lender arrangements
- Preferred Lender Lists Big Sandy has no preferred lender lists
- Additional Aid Application and College Loans
- State Grant Assistance
- KCTCS student net price calculator
- Cost of Attendance
- Additional Financial Aid Home and Information
Contact the Student Financial Aid Office for further information regarding financial aid.
Graduation Rates (Student Right-to-Know Act)
- College Fact Book
- Graduation Rates
BSCTC awards no athletically-related financial aid, so graduation rates are not available.
Information for Crime Victims regarding Disciplinary Hearings
Intercollegiate Athletic Program Participation Rates and Financial Support Data (Equity in Athletics Report)
- BSCTC awards no athletically-related financial aid
Privacy of Student Records Family and Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Refund Policy and Requirements for Withdrawal and Return of Federal (Title IV) Financial Aid
Retention Rate
- College Fact Book
- Retention Rates
Security on Campus
- Academic Building Access and Security
- Alcohol and Non-Medical Use of Drugs (Policies for possession, use, and sale)
- Annual Campus Communication
- Crime Statistics
- Daily Incident Log
- Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures
- How to Report Criminal Actions or Other Emergencies
- Law Enforcement Authority of Campus Security Personnel and Relationship with State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies
- Prevention of Crimes
- Reportable Crimes
- Titles of Persons or Organizations to Whom Students and Employees should Report
- Timely Reports to the Campus Community of Crimes Considered to be a Threat
Student Code of Conduct
- The colleges of KCTCS are more than just educational institutions -- they are vibrant and diverse communities. Therefore, KCTCS strives to maintain an atmosphere of academic freedom and personal respect that creates an environment in which all can be successful. As part of this commitment, KCTCS has developed a Code of Student Conduct that serves as a guide for the student's responsibilities and rights within our academic community.
Student Matters
- Student Code of Conduct
- Student Rights and Responsibilities
- Drug Free Policy
- Harassment Free Education
- Student Complaint Procedure
- Title IX Information
- CPE Consumer Complaints
Teacher Preparation Report
- Report of the Preparation of Teachers
- While Big Sandy is proud to offer several degree programs related to the field of education (Education Preparation and Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education), Big Sandy does not prepare teachers for initial state certification or licensure.
Textbook Information
- Information on textbooks is available through our Campus Bookstore.
Transfer of Credit Policy and Articulation Agreements
- Articulation Agreements
- Transfer of Credit Policy
Vaccinations Policy
- Big Sandy does not have a campus wide vaccination policy. However specific program offerings such as the Nursing program may maintain specific vaccination requirements for their students. Please review the Program of Study pages for more information.
Voter Registration
Contact Information
Hicks, Jeffrey
Interim Dean for Student Services
Prestonsburg Campus, Student Center 104-B
(606) 889-4841