Mission & Vision | BSCTC

BSCTC Closing

BSCTC & the Morehead Extended Campus location at Prestonsburg will be closed from Feb 19th to Feb 21st due to inclement weather.

Mission & Vision

Mission Statement

Big Sandy Community & Technical College provides accessible quality educational opportunities for student success, promotes economic growth and enhances the quality of life of its constituents. Big Sandy Community & Technical College, a member of the Kentucky Community & Technical College System, is a public associate degree granting institution serving Eastern Kentucky.


  • Add value to the region through excellence in teaching and learning.
  • Promote regional growth through community, workforce and economic development.
  • Provide innovative and affordable learning opportunities for academic scholarship and professional success.
  • Support civic and cultural vitality to promote quality of place.

Vision Statement

As the region's premier community and technical college, Big Sandy Community and Technical College will continue to be recognized as the first choice for higher education; academic achievement; cultural enrichment; student success; and community, workforce and economic development.


  • Continuous Improvement
  • Intellectual Pursuit
  • Relevance
  • Respect
  • Responsiveness
  • Sustainable Use of Resources
  • Transparency

College Focus

  • Innovative Teaching and Learning
  • Academic Support and Resources
  • Student Development Services
  • Partnerships, Support and Relationships

Charting Our Future Strategic Plan 2021 - 2026

Nurture a vibrant campus environment dedicated to teaching and learning by updating and maintaining facilities and infrastructure.

1.1 Implement an annual schedule of physical facilities upkeep including interior (i.e., painting, stripping floors, and furniture) and exterior (i.e., flower beds, power washing buildings, sidewalks, proper signage and decorative elements). 
1.2 Commission a facilities master plan to reflect current technologies, instructional delivery options, and more efficient use of physical resources. 
1.3. Provide academic programs state-of-the-art tools and training equipment to prepare students to enter the technologically advanced workforce. 
1.4 Create a dedicated commons room on each campus dedicated to promoting cultural diversity.
1.5 Create a STEM Career Center in collaboration with the East Kentucky Science Center to promote Big Sandy Community and Technical College as the first choice for STEM education.

Motivate and inspire employees’ sense of purpose and passion through actions that engage and promote a diverse faculty and staff.

2.1 Increase employee participation in professional development activities by 20% in the first year to increase by 5% each year to reach 80% of total employee engagement by 2026.
2.2 Improve internal communication and transparency by providing virtual and/or in-person engagement opportunities including short departmental meetings that provide updates and changes, virtual lunch events to engage and learn more about our colleagues, and other employee-led events.
2.3 Promote a healthy, safe, and effective work environment based on positive attitudes and willingness to achieve success for all BSCTC community every day.
2.4 Conduct a review of employee compensation and develop a plan to address compensation equity. 

Provide exceptional teaching and learning opportunities that advance transformation, promote effective use of educational technologies, and support progression, retention, and transfer of a diverse student population.

3.1. Develop a 3-year academic plan and implement new and expanded programs which focus on academic, professional, and community goals and skillsets. 
3.2. Initiate integration of multi-disciplinary curriculum with attention to diversity. 
3.3. Provide faculty professional development examining, among other things, embedding “soft-skills” and implementing innovative educational technologies (such as EdTech) that are accessible and adaptable to meet student and faculty needs. 
3.4. Establish a Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. 
3.5 Build upon the Credit for Prior Learning process to develop pathways to transfer skills between non-credit and credit programs and activities.
3.6 Achieve 100% of the performance-based funding metrics established by the Kentucky Community and Technical College System by 2026.

Employ High Impact Activities and Programs that equitably engage and enrich a diverse student body.

4.1. Partner with local industry and agencies to provide experiential learning opportunities, (both paid and unpaid) for BSCTC students. 
4.2. Create Learning Communities that enhance students’ first semester in a variety of program areas. 
4.3. Provide an annual schedule of educational cultural events for students on all campuses. 
4.4. Develop experiential learning opportunities, expand non-traditional learning modalities and explore delivery timeframes that support working and adult students. 

Position BSCTC as a significant community partner in our service area through relationships, partnerships and progressive innovations. 

5.1. Maximize and market academic partnerships through high school career pathways, early college, and transfer programs. 
5.2. Cultivate and celebrate exemplary partnerships with business and industry to improve credit and non-credit program quality, efficacy, relevancy and to facilitate graduates’ transition into the workforce. 
5.3. Engage and broaden constituent engagement with the College, developing more meaningful relationships with alumni, friends, former employees, elected officials, and faith-based leaders. 
5.4. Partner with tourism efforts throughout our region to support economic development. 
5.5. Create structure linking college initiatives to maximize resources in support of student wellbeing and success.

Develop and support initiatives, activities, and services that focus on building students' skill sets to enhance the success of their educational and post-educational experience.

6.1. Develop and implement programs and services to enhance student well-being, health and wellness, civic engagement, and personal growth. 
6.2. Develop and integrate career preparation opportunities to include co-op, internships, and other activities that build the skills necessary to secure gainful employment in a locally and globally competitive marketplace.
6.3. Create programs, activities, and services to assist students in smoothly adjusting to a collegiate learning environment as well as obtaining the resources necessary for college success.
6.4. Develop programs, activities, and services designed to educate and assist students in obtaining the resources necessary for success in college.

Secure a robust, sustainable, and fiscally self-sufficient institution.

7.1. Increase enrollment to 2,700 headcounts by 2026. 
7.2. Achieve 65% fall-fall retention rate by 2026 by advancing student success through advising. 
7.3. Achieve $3M in grants and $1M in the Foundation to advance the college by 2026. 
7.4. Grow revenue from Workforce and Economic Development by 5% annually.
7.5. Expand college financial resources with efficient use of funds