Our success coaches are here to help you choose the classes to get to graduation and
your better future. We have dedicated advising centers on our campuses working hard
to be sure every student succeeds.
No assigned success coach? Let us know and we'll help you get one.
- Find a success coach listed below on the campus most convenient for you.
- Choose their personal Schedule an Appointment link to see their calendar.
- Pick a day, time and advising method of your choice.
You will receive a confirmation email with your appointment details.
- If you chose the Email or Phone advising method that success coach will contact you at your appointment time.
- If you chose the Teams virtual advising method please join the call at your appointment day and time with the link that was provided in your confirmation email.
- If you chose to meet with the success coach in person follow these steps:
- Please arrive to campus 10 minutes before your advising appointment scheduled time if possible.
- Sign in at the front desk to see Admissions.
- Once meeting with Admissions and going over your account to ensure everything is up to date you can let them know you have an advising appointment scheduled. They will send you from there.
WALK-INS are welcome. They will be seen in between Success Coach scheduled appointments as time allows.
Success Coaches
Pikeville Campus
Julia Maynard
I'm Julia Maynard, a Success Coach located in the N. Clayton Little Building, Suite 105, on the Pikeville Campus. I have worked at Big Sandy CTC since July 2009. I hold a BS in Education, Mathematics 5-12, from Concord University and an MA in Adult and Higher Education from Morehead State University. In addition to being an Academic Advisor, I serve as an Adjunct Instructor for FYE 105 Foundations of College Algebra. I live in Belfry, KY, and I’m married with three adult children, two dogs, and one cat. I enjoy reading, watching sports, and spending time with my family.
Julia Maynard, Success Coach
Pikeville Campus, N. Clayton Little Building, Room 105C
Phone: 606-218-1221
Email: jmaynard0074@kctcs.edu
Schedule an appointment: https://calendly.com/juliamaynard
Misty Adkins
Hello, my name is Misty Adkins. I have been a Success Coach at Big Sandy CTC since
July 2009. I am located in the N. Clayton Little Building, Suite 105, on the Pikeville
Campus. I earned a BBA in Marketing from Morehead State University and an MBA from
the University of Pikeville. In addition to being a Success Coach, I also teach as
an Adjunct Instructor for FYE 105. In my spare time, I enjoy hiking, cycling, and
spending time with family and friends.
Misty Adkins, Success Coach
Pikeville Campus, N. Clayton Little Building, Room 105d
Phone: 606-218-1266
mail: madkins0143@kctcs.edu
Schedule an appointment: https://calendly.com/madkins0143
Mayo Campus
Lisa Pelfrey
I’m a graduate of Prestonsburg Community College & Morehead State University. I have worked at the college for 18 ½ years. I became a Success Coach in November of 2020, and I truly enjoy helping students succeed and be able to make a better life for themselves and their family. I hope to help many more students in the future.
Lisa Pelfrey, Success Coach
Mayo Campus, Building C, Room 118b
Phone: 606-788-2898
E-mail: lpelfrey0001@kctcs.edu
Schedule an appointment: https://calendly.com/lpelfrey0001
Prestonsburg Campus
Royce Mayo
My name is Royce Mayo. I am a Success Coach at the Prestonsburg Campus of Big Sandy Community and Technical College located at 1 Bert T. Combs Drive, Prestonsburg, KY. I completed my undergraduate degree at Eastern Kentucky University in Richmond, KY and earned two Master’s degrees from Morehead State University. I worked in public education for 37 years in a variety of roles including teacher, coach, administrator, and educational consultant. I have been married to my beautiful wife, Susan, for 38 years and we have two children (Whitney and John Michael) and two granddaughters (Lilly and Georgia). In my spare time, I enjoy walking and watching sports of all kinds.
Royce Mayo, Success Coach
Prestonsburg Campus, Suite 106
Phone: (606) 889-4706
Email: rmayo0012@kctcs.edu
Schedule an appointment: https://calendly.com/rmayo0012
Melissa (Missy) Spears
Hi, my name is Melissa (Missy) Spears. I am a Success Coach on the Prestonsburg campus. I earned my BA in Human Services and Counseling in 2008 through Lindsey Wilson College. My husband, John and I have been married for over 15 years, have two adult daughters, 7 grandchildren, 1 adult grandson (in the Air Force), one great-granddaughter and one great grandchild on the way. My Faith, family, and friends make every day so rewarding. I am grateful to be at Big Sandy working with students, staff and or faculty. I am blessed to be able to be part of this team that encourages each student to believe in themselves and push through challenges in reaching their life goals.