Book Charges
Please be prepared to pay for books and supplies using resources other than financial aid. However, because aid disbursement does not occur until several weeks into the semester, the Big Sandy Bookstore will allow students to purchase books and supplies on credit, if you have enough “anticipated” aid for the semester. This is for a limited time.
- You must have more anticipated aid than the cost of tuition and fees for the term.
- You must sign a Financial Aid Release authorizing Big Sandy to release the amount of anticipated aid to the Big Sandy Bookstore. [One time only- can be rescinded] If you already have a release on file, you do not have to complete another one. By charging books, you agree to the following: I hereby authorize Big Sandy Community & Technical College to deduct any and all indebtedness that I may have at the Barnes and Noble Bookstore from any type of financial assistance I might receive. In order to process the deductions, I consent to the release to the Bookstore of necessary information from my student financial assistance records.
- The amount you charge at the bookstore is placed on your student account as a bookstore charge.
Manual Voucher Availability
- Begins 10 days prior to the start of the semester, Ends the end of the second week of the semester. They are also provided one week before the start of courses for bi-term only students and end after the first week of bi-term classes.
- We will provide them if a student is not on the bookstore list, but we can verify that they are eligible.
- They can be requested in the Financial Aid Office
Summer Bookstore Charges
- Intersession charges begin the first day of class and end two weeks after courses begin.
- Second session ONLY students’ charges begin one week prior to the first course start date and end the third day of classes.
Charge Agreement
When charging books from the Big Sandy Bookstore, the following is a general agreement between student and KCTCS:
I (the student) understand that I am personally responsible for payment of all my bookstore charges in the event that my grant/scholarship/loan is revoked or does not cover the entire balance of my charges. I accept full responsibility for the repayment of my charges. I acknowledge that KCTCS will pursue collection of all outstanding accounts pursuant to its Business Procedures. Further, I acknowledge if my account becomes delinquent, KCTCS may refer it to outside agencies for collection with the referral being subject to additional fees and costs.
I also understand that my purchases are subject to the established refund policies and guidelines of the bookstore. Further, I acknowledge and hereby grant the college the right to apply any financial aid I may receive toward the payment of this note, including but not limited to PELL, SEOG, external or institutional scholarships, and/or student loans.