KCTCS Colleges provide counseling and guidance services to students. Qualified counselors are available at most KCTCS colleges and are prepared to provide individual or group, career and academic counseling and to assist students in setting educational and career goals.
Mission Statement: Our mission is to advocate for student, college, and community success by promoting balanced learning in an academic environment which embraces intellectual, physical, spiritual, social, and emotional values.
Services Offered:
- Individual counseling: Professional, confidential counseling services are available to all students.
- Career Counseling: Career planning is available to all students, as well as labor market information for the state of Kentucky.
- Personal Counseling: Short-term personal counseling is available to registered BSCTC students. Personal counseling can include issues such stress, anxiety, or personal matters that can affect student academic performance. Crisis management referrals are also available.
- Academic Counseling: Students who are at risk academically (as demonstrated by a cumulative GPA below 2.00 at the end of any term or semester while attending a KCTCS college) will be academically counseled and advised by Counselors at BSCTC. Students who are accepted as Second Chance Admissions (students who transfer in from another college or university other than a KCTCS College with a cumulative GPA below 2.00) will also be advised by Counseling Services.
- Veterans Administration: (VA) Educational Assistance is available at Big Sandy Community and Technical College. Eligibility for the program is determined by the VA Regional Office in St. Louis, MO. Counseling Services at BSCTC are responsible for completing the students enrollment certification and reporting any changes in the students academic load to the VA Regional Office throughout the semester. The student is responsible for bringing a copy of their schedule for certification to the VA Certifying Official on the campus in which they attend. For information regarding eligibility for this program, students can contact the Veterans Administration Regional Office toll free at 1-888-442-4551.
- Transfer Advising/Counseling: Counseling Services maintains information for local and state wide colleges and universities that students may wish to transfer to complete a Bachelors Degree once they have completed an Associate degrees at BSCTC. Our Counseling Services area also arranges visits to colleges and universities throughout the state that students can participate in. We also arrange on-campus visits (at BSCTC) from other colleges and universities for our students so they can meet with a recruiter to discuss transfer issues. Students are notified via their e-mail accounts when these on campus and off campus visits are scheduled.
Counseling Services are available Monday through Friday 8:00 am 4:30 pm at the Pikeville and Prestonsburg campus locations. Counseling Services are available Monday and Tuesday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm and Wednesday 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.at the Mayo Campus.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact or visit:
Prestonsburg Campus:
Jeffrey Hicks
Student Center Building
Room 104A
Extension 94841
Leslie Bays
Student Center Building
Room 104C
Extension 67391
Elizabeth Cole
Extension 81215