Career Services
Career Development Links:
Big Sandy Virtual Career Center
Note: The Big Sandy Virtual Career Center provides resources relating to every phase of the career development process. Log in instructions are provided below:
BSCTC Apprenticeship Program
BSCTC maintains that the opportunity to develop and sustain RA’s is readily available for targeted workforce development initiatives, every career/technical educational program, as well as A.A. and A.S. degree pathways. The work to develop the apprenticeships, update and align curriculum to new career pathways, and work with business to develop meaningful contracts and agreements, is time intensive. Visit our Apprenticeship Program web page to apply and find more information about the program.
Kentucky Career Center/JobSight
Career Cruising
- http://www.kentuckyteacher.org/features/2010/12/ilp-paves-the-way-for-college-and-career-readiness/
- https://www.careercruising.com/ilpschool/
O-NET Online
O*NET OnLine has detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, workforce development and HR professionals, students, researchers, and more.
Institute for Career Research
Click on trial user name click here: (user name: 488w password: future)