Judging Criteria
Bullets do not have pre-determined numerical values
- Does creative research support an investigation and answer a question in an original way?
- Does the creative contribution promote an efficient and reliable method for solving a problem?
- Does the project demonstrate genuine ingenuity?
- Does the project show creative ability and originality in the question asked?
- Was the project completed under adult supervision or did the student work largely alone?
- Did the student perform all project work or did someone help?
- Does the project follow the scientific method?
- Is the problem stated clearly and unambiguously?
- Are the variables clearly recognized and defined?
- If controls were necessary, did the student recognize their need and were they correctly used?
- Are there adequate data to support the conclusions?
- Does the student recognize the data’s limitations?
- Does the student understand the project’s ties to related research/ life applications?
- Does the student have an idea what further research is warranted?
- Did the student cite scientific literature or only popular literature?
- Is there a clear objective?
- Is the solution workable and economically feasible?
- Could the solution be utilized successfully in design or construction of an end project?
- Is the solution a significant improvement over other alternatives?
- Has the solution been tested for performance under human or other applicable conditions?
- How completely was the project covered?
- Are the conclusions based on more than one experiment or replication?
- Do project notes, record books, and displays include a title, statement of purpose, and design of the experiment?
- Is the student aware of other approaches or theories?
- How much time did the student spend on the project?
- How clearly does the student discuss the project and explain purpose, procedure, and conclusion?
- How clearly are the data presented?
- How clearly are the results presented?
- How well does the display explain the project?
- Did the project follow all guidelines and protocols set forth by the Scientific Review Committee and/or Institutional Review Board (if applicable)?
- Is the student’s record book available for judges to examine?
(Note: Absence of record book, or approval forms WILL affect judging outcomes)