2021-2022 SEF Categories
The Category Page of the ISEF website has a more complete breakdown of each sub-category. For more information on project ideas and ISEF, please visit the Society for Science ISEF Categories webpage. If you need clarification on which project category a student project classifies as, please contact Susan Scott-Goble at sscott0036@kctcs.edu
Biomedical & Behavioral Science
- Behavioral & Social Sciences
- Cell & Molecular Biology
- Microbiology
- Medicine & Health
Animal, Plant & Environmental Science
- Animal Sciences
- Environmental Sciences
- Environmental Management
- Plant Sciences
Engineering & Mathematics
- Energy & Transportation
- Mathematical Science
- Environmental, Bio, Electric & Mechanical Engineering
- Biochemistry
- Chemistry
Physics & Astronomy
- Physics
- Astronomy
Robotics & Computer Science
- Computer Science
- Robotics
- Environmental Computer Science