SGA Requirements | BSCTC

BSCTC Closing

BSCTC & the Morehead Extended Campus location at Prestonsburg will be closed from Feb 19th to Feb 21st due to inclement weather.

SGA Requirements


  • Have a 3.0 GPA or higher and be in good standing with BSCTC
  • Plan on attending BSCTC for both the upcoming Fall and Spring semesters
  • Be a full-time student and resident of Kentucky
  • Submit all required documents and attend 3 consecutive SGA meeting prior to being voted upon
  • Attend monthly SGA meetings.
  • Be present at SGA hosted events
  • Support the BSCTC Mission Statement
  • Uphold the Student Code of Conduct and SGA Bylaws and represent BSCTC and SGA positively
  • Check KCTCS email regularly

SGA Officer REQUIREMENTS (Secretary/ Treasurer)

  • Have a 2.0 GPA or higher and be in good standing with BSCTC
  • Plan on attending BSCTC for the remainder of the academic year
  • Submit all required documents and attend 3 consecutive SGA meeting prior to being voted upon
  • Attend monthly SGA meetings.
  • SGA secretary shall record the official minutes of each council meeting
    • The Secretary shall also notify members and clubs in writing of excessive absences
    • The Treasurer shall work with the financial agent of the college and maintain a record of financial transactions of the council
    • The Treasurer must be selected from the sophomore representatives
  • Support the BSCTC Mission Statement
  • Uphold the Student Code of Conduct and SGA Bylaws and represent ECTC and SGA positively
  • Check KCTCS email regularly


Section 1 The purpose of SGA shall be to provide the means by which the members of the student body may address issues of the college, and, to respond to matters referred to the SGA by the administration and faculty/staff.

Section 2 The specific goals of SGA are to:

  1. To explore concerns of the student body.
  2. Promote school morale in the student body.
  3. Strengthen the confidence of students in themselves and their work.
  4. Organize and develop extracurricular activities.
  5. Encourage and practice high standards for student achievement.
  6. Encourage scholarship and promote school loyalty.
  7. To promote service projects of the community and campus.