Accommodations | BSCTC

BSCTC Closing

BSCTC & the Morehead Extended Campus location at Prestonsburg will be closed from Feb 19th to Feb 21st due to inclement weather.


Do you have an IEP or 504 Plan? Here’s what you need to know.

  • If you’re taking dual credit courses at your high school, your school will provide accommodations according to your plan.
  • If you’re taking courses at the college or online, your high school needs to tell the college that you are entitled to accommodations. The college has its own rules regarding accommodations, so you may get different accommodations at college. We encourage you and your high school to work closely with the college coordinator who helps students with accommodations. 
After high school

You are still eligible to receive accommodations after you leave high school and enroll in college, but what you get may be different than what you are used to. Check out this information to see what's different. 

To learn more, meet with the college's disability resources coordinator/services provider.