Dual Credit FAQ
- Can a college decide to have additional entry requirements for dual credit students
(such as a
higher GPA)?
No, all colleges must adhere to the requirements in the dual credit assessment & placement policy. - At what point do we have to verify a student’s GPA for dual credit eligibility?
At the time of application. - Can current high school students enroll into college classes as dual enrolled (full
tuition and fees) if they do not have the required ACT or high school GPA?
No. If the course is offered for dual credit, then students have to meet the requirements to take it as such. - Is there an age limit for receiving dual credit (scholarship and non-scholarship)?
No. - The scholarships are only eligible to Kentucky residents. If they are not a KY resident
are they still eligible for the dual credit rate if they are attending a Kentucky
high school?
Yes. However, note that KHEAA depends on the high school to determine residency and eligibility for the scholarship. It is possible that KCTCS does not consider a student to be a resident based on our application, but the high school does and KHEAA awards the student a scholarship. In order to reconcile this in PeopleSoft the student’s Tuition Residency will be set to R and other Residencies should remain N. This will keep their official residence as out of state, but tuition will be assessed instate rates. - Can a student be eligible both for the Work Ready Dual Credit Scholarship and the
Dual Credit
Yes, Juniors and Seniors can be eligible for both scholarships. - Are homeschooled or private school students eligible for the Work Ready Dual Credit
No. - Can a non-US citizen who is a Kentucky resident in a Kentucky public high school get
the Dual
Credit Scholarship or Work Ready Dual Credit Scholarship?
The dual credit programs do not have a citizenship requirement. So a Kentucky resident attending a Kentucky high school, regardless of citizenship status, can be considered for the Dual Credit Scholarship and/or Work Ready Dual Credit Scholarship.
- 9. Is the Dual Credit Rate available for Border State Students?
The discounted rate applies to ALL dual credit offered to students attending a Kentucky high school by a participating institution. This includes both in-state and out-of-state residents attending a Kentucky high school. Note, out-of-state residents are not eligible for the Work Ready Kentucky or Dual Credit Scholarship funding, only the discounted course rate. - What about dual credit for undocumented high school students or student who are in
U.S. on a
The discounted course rate applies to ALL dual credit offered to students attending a Kentucky high school by a participating institution, regardless of a student’s eligibility for the scholarship program. - KRS 164.786 states that “students cannot be charged for failed or withdrawn scholarship
courses.” Does this mean students who fail or withdraw from courses where the scholarship
is not applied can be charged?
Yes, if it is not a dual credit scholarship course the student may be charged the reduced rate. - For maximum scholarship it states, “students receive additional attempts if unsuccessful,
but it also states, “repeated coursework not allowed.” Does this mean students who fail or
withdraw may repeat the course, but the scholarship won’t cover the repeated course(s)?
Yes. The student may take the course again but will not be able to use the scholarship to pay for it. If the student is a junior, they can use the scholarship their senior year for a different course. If they are a senior, there is no opportunity for them to utilize the scholarship again. - Can we charge students for textbooks?
Yes, textbooks, including access to electronic textbooks are the responsibility of the student. This should be addressed in the college’s MOA with the local school district. - Can we charge students for digital content and access to an eBook?
Yes. - For student taking online classes, are we waiving the $20 per credit hour online course
Yes. - The MOA includes a section on Successful Completion and states KCTCS will not charge
students to recover the cost of the returned tuition for unsuccessful completion of DCS courses. Then it includes a sentence under this
to indicate who is responsible for negotiated costs related to unsuccessful students.
Please clarify.
Somebody has to be responsible to pay for the 50% that is returned to KHEAA for unsuccessful
completers, and it cannot be the student. Colleges are encouraged to negotiate with your local school district for them to pay for that, otherwise the college will have to resume responsibility for the 50% and will have to use a scholarship or the balance due will be expensed through a write-off. - Can a college charge security charge to students?
It depends on what kind of student they are. If they are classified as Dual Credit, Dual Credit Private, or Dual Credit Home the Security Charge is reduced to zero. If they are Dual Enrolled, then the security fee can be charged. - If a student is eligible for a scholarship and the SEEK waiver, which should we use
We recommend applying the SEEK funding first, then the scholarship/s. - If a student is eligible for a scholarship and the KCTCS Dependent waiver, which should
we use first?
Use the dual credit scholarship first. - Can KEES funds be used to pay for dual credit?
No. However, the dual credit grade a student receives is part of their KEES calculation.
- Can we schedule dual credit yearlong courses?
Yes, but we strongly encourage traditional semesters. If a student wants to utilize the scholarship for a yearlong course, they will have to select it for the fall. The college must submit an out of term parameter request form for the course and submit to the system office. - Do lecture courses with labs count as one course?
Yes, if they are offered in the same semester. Note that the data must be reported correctly for KHEAA to process it that way. The courses should be linked in the dual credit course table in PeopleSoft, and both courses should be selected on the High School Student Enrollment Panel for the scholarship. - Are 100 level co-requisite courses eligible for dual credit?
Yes, per CPE, KCTCS co-requisite courses are eligible for dual credit. For the 19-20 academic year, the Assessment & Placement policy only allows high school Seniors to enroll in these courses. - Will KHEAA allow us to pair the 100 level co-requisite course with the supplemental
No. KHEAA’s policy to allow lecture and laboratory course combinations to be reported together and identified as a single scholarship unit for payment was established because the laboratory was required for all students enrolled in the lecture course. The corequisite combination does not function in the same way as a lecture and lab because the corequisite is a supplemental offering for students needing development rather than a requirement of all students taking the parent course. Therefore, there will be no change to the current scholarship policy. KHEAA will continue to accept corequisite courses for scholarship payment, with each of the courses in the pair counting toward eligibility limits independently, since they are offered as credit bearing college-level coursework. - Can college switch a student from a Dual Credit Scholarship course that was unsuccessfully
completed to another course?
No. Once we submit the Enrollment Verification File (EVR) to KHEAA, we cannot make any changes to a course for the scholarship. - Is there a limit on how many courses a student can enroll in for dual credit?
No. - Can the Work Ready Dual Credit Scholarship be used for general education courses required
for the AAS?
No. - If we offer a course as dual credit off campus at an ATC, do we have to allow enrollment
into the course on our campus as dual credit?
Yes, it is up to each institution how and where dual credit is offered based on faculty availability, credentialing, lab space, and other deciding factors. - Is there a list of approved dual credit courses that will count for KDE’s academic
No. KDE provides guidance to local high school districts to determine if the courses meet the requirements. It is a local school decision to determine, based on KDE’s guidance, if the course meets the requirements.
- How is Dual Credit and TEDS reported/treated? For example, if the student is earning
dual credit for the course and the high school is counting them in TEDS under their
Perkins Budget should the college also count this student on their Perkins Numbers?
In order to help prevent this duplication in Perkins, KCTCS reports students who have taken dual credit courses online or on-campus with instructors paid by the colleges. High schools should report those students that take dual credit courses at their high schools with high school instructors.
- Are Middle/Early/Opportunity college students dual credit and dual credit scholarship eligible? They are eligible dual credit and dual credit scholarship students if they are receiving both high school and college credit for the courses they take and must be charged the reduced dual credit tuition rate for those courses. If the student is only receiving college credit, they are a dually enrolled student and should be charged full tuition for those courses.
- Can we offer dual credit in the summer?
Yes, dual credit can be offered during the summer if the student is receiving both high school and college credit and the student. - Is the KCTCS Junior Dual Credit Scholarship still available?
The KCTCS Junior Dual Credit Scholarship ended with the 2016/17 school year.