Nursing - Licensed Practical Nursing | BSCTC

Nursing - Licensed Practical Nursing

Train for your LPN in 12 months. LPNs perform basic medical tasks, including checking vital signs, start IV fluids, feed patients, and maintain clear communications among the healthcare team and patient.

Program Contact
Emily Bevins,MSN,BSN
Program Contact


what is practical nursing?

The Practical Nursing program prepares individuals to practice within the legal scope of practical nursing under the supervision of a registered nurse or physician. Use of the nursing process at the practical nursing level toward the maintenance of health and prevention of illness, the observation and nursing care of persons experiencing changes in their health processes, and the evaluation of health practices of patients are emphasized.

Classroom instruction in theory and basic nursing skills is provided on campus. Under the guidance of program faculty, students gain valuable experience in the care of all ages in a variety of health care settings and/or community agencies - hospitals, long-term care facilities, clinics and child care centers. (Transportation to the community agencies is the responsibility of each student.)

Acceptance in the Practical Nursing program is based on a selective admissions process.

Getting Started

What are my degree, diploma, and certificate options?

What Else Do I Need to Know?

Application Process

The application deadline is May 1st and all information needs to be taken to Sonja Crider on the Pikeville campus Clayton Little Bldg. 3rd floor office suite by the deadline. The following are the items needed:

  1. Attendance at a Pre-Admission Nursing Conference
  2. Official High School Transcript or GED
  3. Official Transcripts from all Post-Secondary Education or Training Facilities.
    (This Excludes any KCTCS College/School)
  4. Results of the National ACT Test or TEAS Exam
  5. Kentucky State Registry for Nurse Aide License Number or Documentation of Schedule to Complete the Nurse Aide requirement prior to the beginning of NSG 101. 

Pre-Admission Conferences \ TEAS Exam

Date Time Location
3/3/25 6:00pm Teams
3/17/25 4:00pm Prestonsburg SC 203A/B
3/28/25 3:00pm Teams
4/3/25 2:00pm Pikeville 231S
4/9/25 2:00pm Prestonsburg SC 203A/B
4/17/25 6:00pm Teams
4/21/25 10:00am Pikeville 231S
4/28/25 6:00pm Teams


The Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) is used as part of the admissions process by Nursing and Allied Health schools nationwide. The exam measures skills in reading, mathematics, science and english and language usage.


For additional information, sample test questions, general exam policies and a list of frequently asked questions, visit the TEAS website here.

The TEAS exam may only be taken one time in a 6 month period.  Exam results submitted for nursing program consideration can be no more than one year old.  


TEAS testing is $87.00


To register for the TEAS exam, go to ATI Testing Website. and click:

  • TEAS
  • Register for TEAS
  • In-Person Proctored by an Institution - Register
  • Search By School Name
  • State – Select KY
  • School - Big Sandy Community and Technical College Pikeville Campus
  • Search
  • Select your preferred date
  • Continue Registration
  • Proceed to Checkout

The TEAS must be taken in the Testing Center. Remote proctoring is not permitted.

TEAS Testing Schedule -Spring 2025 semester

Date Time Location
Friday, March 7 8:30 am to 12:30 pm To be determined
Wednesday, March 12 12:30 to 4:30 pm To be determined
Monday, March 17 12:30 to 4:30 pm To be determined
Friday, March 21 8:30 am to 12:30 pm To be determined
Monday, March 24 12:30 to 4:30 pm To be determined


Check-in will begin 15 minutes prior to start time. Students must have

  • Valid Photo ID
  • Proof of Exam Registration
  • Activated KCTCS login and password. For assistance, contact the BSCTC IT Dept. at (606)886-3863

The exam will begin promptly at the scheduled time. No one will be admitted to the exam area after testing has begun. No cell phones in testing room. 

For testing questions email Julia Maynard at

Suggested Course Schedule

ENG 101 3 credits 
BIO 135 (4 credits) OR BIO 137 AND BIO 139 (4 credits each)
AHS 115 Medical terminology (3 credits) or CLA 131 Medical Terminology from GGreek and Latin (3 credits)
NAA 100 Nursing Assistant Skills I (3 credits)
CPR 100 CPR for healthcare professionals (0-1 credits)
Semester One
NPN 106 Fundamentals of Nursing Care (16 weeks).       6 credits
NPN 107 Nursing Pharmacology (bi-term 1- 8 weeks).     5 credits
NPN 125 Mental Health (bi-term 2- 8 weeks).                       3 credits
BIO 139 Anatomy and Physiology II (if not previously taken).   4 credits
Semester Two 
NPN 201 Child Bearing Family    (bi-term 1- 8 weeks)                3 credits 
NPN 203 Medical Surgical Nursing I     (bi-term 1- 8 weeks     6 credits 
NPN 204 Medical Surgical II           (bi-term 2- 8 weeks)              6 credits 
Semester Three (Summer)
NPN 210 Clinical Practicum   4 credits 
NPN 225  Nursing Leadership and Management   2 credits 

Selective Admission

The nursing program is a selective admission program. We use the following criteria when selecting students. There is a total of 60 points possible.
All applicants must be on the State Registered Nurse Aide Registry


(Points Possible: 10)
All applicants, who provide proof of 6 month’s experience as a practicing CNA within the last 3 years, earn 10 points.

Students may opt to take the ACT exam OR the TEAS exam for points in this area. A 17 composite score is required for admission.


(Points Possible: 36)
An ACT composite score of 17 or above is required for admission.
ACT Composite Score of 17-19 equals 10 points
ACT Composite Score of 20-36 equals the composite score. 
There is no automatic admission provision based on ACT Score.


(Points Possible: 36)

Total Program Score Points Awarded
88 or higher 36
84-87 34
80-83 30
76-79 26
72-75 24
68-71 20
60-67 Required 18

(The National Average Score is 64.3)

Refer to the Pre-Admission Exam (TEAS) page for additional information.


(Points Possible: 8)
Two points are awarded for each of these courses completed with a grade of C or better.  If courses are repeated for a grade of less than C, the student will NOT receive points for the course.  
Point Courses
BIO 135 (pre-requisite
BIO 137 (Pre-requisite)
BIO 139
ENG 101
AHS 115 (pre-requisite)
CLA 131 (pre-requisite)


(Points Possible: 4)
Points will be equal to GPA. A GPA of less than 3.0 is worth no point. A 2.0 is required for admission.
58 points are possible. 

Other Information

Nursing, at the technical level, involves the provision of direct care and is characterized by the application of verified knowledge in the skillful performance of nursing functions.

Therefore, in order to be considered for admission or be retained in the program after admission, all applicants should possess:

  • Sufficient visual acuity, such as needed in the accurate preparation and administration of medications, and for the observation necessary for client assessment and nursing care
  • Sufficient auditory perception to receive verbal communication from clients and members of the health team and to assess health needs people through the use of monitoring devices such as cardiac monitor, stethoscope, IV infusion pumps, Doptone, fire alarms, etc
  • Sufficient gross and fine motor coordination to respond promptly and to implement the skills, including the manipulation of equipment, required in meeting health needs
  • Sufficient communication skills (speech, reading, writing) to interact with individuals and to communicate their needs promptly and effectively as may be necessary in the individuals interest
  • Sufficient intellectual and emotional functions to plan and implement care for individuals

Recommendation for readmission to the nursing program is the responsibility of the Nursing Admissions Committee and is dependent upon available resources. 

In order to be considered for readmission by the Nursing Admissions Committee, the applicant must: 

  • Attend a Pre-Admission Nursing Conference (Fall Applicants should do so by March 1st,
    Spring Applicants should do so by the 1st Friday in November.) 
  • Meet current admission guidelines
  • Submit a written request to the nursing coordinator
    (This letter, addressed to the coordinator, should include the following:  (1)  the semester and course to which the student is requesting readmission, (2) reason(s) for previous unsuccessful progress in the nursing program, and (3) personal plans to increase chances for success if readmitted)
  • Complete any required remediation processes outlined by the Coordinator and/or nursing program faculty/staff 

A student MAY BE readmitted to the Nursing program one time.  The Nursing Admissions Committee may recommend readmission a second time, if a student meets current readmission guidelines and furnishes sufficient evidence of remedial study, additional preparation, or resolution of factors contributing to unsuccessful course completion.  There is no provision for a third readmission. 

If more than three years have elapsed since initial enrollment in the first nursing course of any registered nursing program, an applicant must repeat all nursing courses. 

All students, regardless of length of time out of the program, must demonstrate continued competency to be readmitted.  Program faculty and the Nursing Coordinator will determine the competency requirements which will include both written exams and clinical/lab performance skills.   Competency requirements include any content covered in previous nursing courses, and nursing assistant, which the student has successfully completed.  Demonstrated competency includes:

  • Passing a competency exam with a minimum of 78%
  • Passing a competency skill exam(s)/clinical requirements at 100%, consisting of skills learned from all successfully completed nursing courses

I will send you a checklist to be uploaded as well when it is completed. 

In order to receive a tuition refund, a student must officially withdraw within the refund period specified within this policy.  Refunds for sessions different from those listed below are prorated according to the session in proportion to the traditional 16-week session.  A session is defined as an enrollment period within an academic term.  An academic term (fall, spring, or summer) may have a number of sessions running concurrently – 16-, 8-, or 4-week.

KCTCS has partnered with BankMobile Disbursements, a financial services company focused solely on higher education, to process student refund payments.  Students are required to choose from one of the following three options for receiving any refunds due them:

  1. ACH transfer to a bank account of their choice,
  2. Paper check mailed to the student address on file.
  3. Refund to a BankMobile Vibe account, an FDIC insured checking account
    offered by Bank Mobile Disbursements.

For additional information, please visit  

Timeframe for Refunds¹

Session 100% 50% No Refund
16-Week Within 7th day 8th-29th days After 29th day
15-Week Within 7th day 8th-27th days After 27th day
14-Week Within 6th day 7th-25th days After 25th day
13-Week Within 6th day 7th-24th days After 24th day
12-Week Within 5th day 6th-22nd days After 22nd day
11-Week Within 5th day 6th-20th days After 20th day
10-Week Within 4th day 5th-18th days After 18th day
9-Week Within 4th day 5th-16th days After 16th day
8-Week Within 4th day 5th-15th days After 15th day
7-Week Within 3rd day 4th-13th days After 13th day
6-Week Within 2nd day 3rd-10th days After 10th day
5-Week Within 2nd day 3rd-9th days After 9th day
4-Week Within 1st day 2nd-7th days After 7th day
3-Week Within 1st day 2nd-5th days After 5th day
2-Week Within 1st day 2nd-4th days After 4th day
1-Week Within 1st day 2nd-2nd days After 2nd day

¹Calendar days of the session, including all Saturdays and Sundays, but excluding KCTCS recognized holidays.

KCTCS Colleges offer a variety of courses with different start and end dates.
Please contact the business office at your local college for the guidelines for 

Applicants who have attended another nursing program, or wish to transfer from a KCTCS nursing program must:

  • Meet all admission requirements of the receiving institution;
  • Notify the Coordinator of the Nursing Program in writing, stating anticipated entry and reason for transfer;
  • Include a copy of their unofficial transcripts reflecting grades in all previous courses in the nursing program from which they are transferring;
  • Have a faculty member from the program previously attended submit a letter of recommendation to the receiving institution; AND
  • Submit documentation from the nursing coordinator that the student is eligible for re-admission to that original nursing program.

When more than three years have elapsed since initial enrollment in the first nursing course from any nursing program, an applicant must repeat all nursing courses. 

Policies regarding readmission requirements listed above also apply to students requesting transfer. 

Transfer requests are considered based on space availability. 

Transfer requests will be considered by the Nursing Admissions Committee, in consultation with the nursing faculty.

Request Information