BSCTC Closing

BSCTC & the Morehead Extended Campus location at Prestonsburg will be closed from Feb 19th to Feb 21st due to inclement weather.

MOUs and MOAs

Statewide Memorandum of Understanding 

Each academic year, KCTCS and the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) execute a statewide memorandum of understanding (MOU) outlining the requirements for dual credit. All public secondary institutions and KCTCS institutions are bound by this agreement. Typically signed in the summer prior to the start of the fall semester, the MOU includes provisions for:

  • Course offerings and rigor
  • Awarding of credit
  • The dual credit tuition rate
  • Student eligibility
  • Faculty qualifications
  • Academic policies
  • Online access
  • Institutional responsibilities

Full copy of: 24-25 MOU (pdf 7pgs)

Local Memorandum of Agreement

We have a template for a local memorandum of agreement (MOA) (pdf, 4pgs) that serves as an addendum to the state MOU between the college and a local school district. The purpose of the MOA is to:

  • Establish dual credit course offerings
  • Assign responsibility for student fees and payments
  • Determine who should cover the 50% of dual credit tuition for students who did not successfully complete a course that was covered by a Dual Credit Scholarship
  • Address additional local issues, provided that they don’t violate the state MOU

The MOA for the upcoming school year is made available to colleges in December and due back to the college by March 1, the priority registration date for fall courses.