Students Create Veterans Day Art | BSCTC

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Students Create Veterans Day Art

Wood carving of soldiers raising a US flag.The Big Sandy Community and Technical College (BSCTC) Carpentry and Visual Communications and Design Technology (VCDT) Programs honored Americas heroes with a colossal piece of hand carved artwork, Friday November 11, 2011.

The endeavor was spearheaded by Associate Professor of Carpentry, Michael K. Froman and Associate Professor of Visual Communications, Lori Lewis.

The purpose to of the artwork is to, Pay homage to all Veterans and to honor former student, Gabe Takasa Marine Veteran that recently passed away, remarked Froman.

Brittany Carpenter, VCDT lab assistant and student, Cassandra Sullivan painted the artwork after Professor Froman and the carpentry students compiled and pieced the artwork togethersome from an old parade float.

The flag is composed of thirty one pieces of individually cut wood that is glued and fitted together to resemble a waving flag. It was not part of the original float design, said Froman.

The artwork is displayed in front of Building D of the Mayo Campus.