BSCTC Closing

BSCTC & the Morehead Extended Campus location at Prestonsburg will be closed from Feb 19th to Feb 21st due to inclement weather.


Sandra SaadSandra Saad, an associate professor of Spanish and Communication, first joined the faculty at Big Sandy Community and Technical College in 2005. Saad has a bachelors degree in Latin American Studies and a masters degree in Communication from the University of Kentucky.

Saad is a native of this area and attended Johnson Central High School and Prestonsburg Community College before continuing her studies at the University of Kentucky.

Saads topic on the BSCTC Speakers Bureau website is: Inspiring U: Finding and Maintaining Focus, Interest, Energy and Spark, with the description: During this interactive 60 minute presentation, the speaker will inspire participants by guiding them in the identification and prioritization of individualized goals and then assist the participants in the development of action plans to pursue those goals.

The BSCTC Speakers Bureau is a searchable database that lists presentations by faculty and staff on a wide variety of topics. These presentations are offered as a community service and are free of charge. If you would like to visit the Speakers Bureau website, go to www.bigsandy.kctcs.edu, click on the Visitors amp; Community tab, and then select Speakers Bureau. There you will find a complete listing of speakers and topics, along with email contact links to the speakers to schedule a presentation.