BSCTC Closing

BSCTC & the Morehead Extended Campus location at Prestonsburg will be closed from Feb 19th to Feb 21st due to inclement weather.



PRESTONSBURG, Ky. (February 24) Sabra Jacobs, a professor of Psychology and Family Studies, first joined the faculty at Big Sandy Community and Technical College in 1996. A New England native, she obtained a Master of Arts Degree in Developmental Psychology and a Master of Education Degree in Special Education from Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio.

In addition to teaching at BSCTC, she also teaches as an adjunct professor each summer at Holyoke Community College in Holyoke, Mass.

Jacobs offers four topics on the BSCTC Speakers Bureau website. They are:
Stress Management, which explores the causes of stress and ways to better manage it.
Dealing with Toxic People, which will help attendees identify toxic behaviors, learn strategies to effectively deal with these types of people, and participate in some group work using scenarios of toxic people.
Optimal Memory through the Lifespan, based on the work of Aaron Nelson, PhD, this presentation reviews the seven commandments for optimal memories, some practical strategies to enhance everyday memory, and some basic memory techniques.
Aging Happens: Strategies for Surviving the Caregiving Journey within Families, is based on the work of Janis Abrahms Spring PhD and Nancy C. Kehoe PhD, and will explore caregiving challenges and strategies for successfully surviving the caregiving experience.

Speaker LogoThe BSCTC Speakers Bureau is a searchable database that lists presentations by faculty and staff on a wide variety of topics. These presentations are offered as a community service and are free of charge. If you would like to visit the Speakers Bureau website, go to www.bigsandy.kctcs.edu, click on the Visitors and Community tab, and then select Speakers Bureau. There you will find a complete listing of speakers and topics, along with email contact links to the speakers to schedule a presentation.

For more information, contact Jacobs at (606) 889-4778 or email sabra.jacobs@kctcs.edu.