President's Message | BSCTC

BSCTC Closing

BSCTC & the Morehead Extended Campus location at Prestonsburg will be closed from Feb 19th to Feb 21st due to inclement weather.

President's Message

Thank you for your interest in Big Sandy Community and Technical College -- a College that is experiencing a unique year in our history. In 2013, we celebrate 10 years of our existence as Big Sandy Community and Technical College, but we also celebrate the 50th year anniversary of Prestonsburg Community College and the 75th year anniversary of Mayo Technical College. In 2003, these two wonderful institutions were consolidated and we continue to experience tremendous student successes as Big Sandy Community and Technical College. We are proud of our history of educational progress and dedication to strengthening the region through education. The College continues to offer residents the opportunity to obtain a quality postsecondary education without leaving home. Thus, whether your interest lies in transferring to a four-year institution or immediate entry into the work place, Big Sandy Community and Technical College can meet your needs through transfer coursework,technical/career programs and workforce training programs.

The faculty and staff of Big Sandy Community and Technical College are dedicated to helping students succeed in accomplishing their objectives. A strong student services program can support your educational pursuit through an easy registration process, effective counseling, and a variety of scholarship and financial aid opportunities. Classes are conveniently offered through several avenues...Hager Hill, Mayo, Prestonsburg and Pikeville campusesand otheroff-site locations, Internet classes, distance learning and KET offerings. Creative scheduling options have modified the traditional day/evening program to include morning, afternoon and evening offerings as well as weekend classes. Some classes may be available in a shortened time frame such as 4- or 8-week sessions.

Please look for the manyactivities and events that are being planned for us so we may celebrate in our 2013 Anniversary Year. We are gathering considerable information about our successful graduates, our current students, current and former community leaders and supporters, and our current and former employees. We plan to feature such information in our Anniversary Marketing effort. We invite your participation in these celebratory events and we hope to see you on one of our campuses in the near future.

For those who may be contemplating your future and the potential of higher education, I welcome you to our website, encourage your questions about our services/programs, and I invite you to contact one of our admissions advisors or counselors. We look forward to serving you at Big Sandy Community and Technical College.

George D. Edwards
Big Sandy Community and Technical College

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