Miners' Surface Retraining and Miners' Underground Retraining | BSCTC

Miners' Surface Retraining and Miners' Underground Retraining

Big Sandy Community and Technical College (BSCTC) and the Kentucky Coal Academy (KCA) is offering the following classes on the Hager Hill Campus. Don't miss this exciting opportunity to replenish required training. To register for these classes, contact Martha Blair, Kentucky Coal Academy representative at (606) 788-2940 or (606) 788-2946 or e-mail MBLAIR0031@kctcs.edu .

Training Schedule

Surface Retraining

  • Monday, June 10th 8:00 - 4:30 p.m.

Underground Retraining

  • Thursday, June 13th 8:00 - 4:30 p.m.