Kentucky Literacy Celebration
- February 28 March 4, 2011
"It is a time to celebrate literacy in Kentucky! Join in the celebrations to help promote literacy for all!"
Kentucky Literacy Celebration is a result of collaboration among several literacy/education institutions and Kentucky First Lady Jane Beshear. The intent of the event is to highlight literacy in Kentucky, celebrating the accomplishments and focusing on the challenges we still face as a state. The week of February 28 through March 4, 2011, has been set aside for this statewide event, and it will be celebrated annually.
The week will be marked by a number of activities and announcements. Governor Steve
Beshear is creating a proclamation that will be read by the First Lady as a kickoff
to the week. The First Lady will be traveling across the state to visit a number of
schools, adult education centers, libraries, communities, and businesses. The Adult
Education Center for Johnson County has been chosen for a visit. The Center is located
at the Mayo campus and the visit will be Tuesday March 1, from 1:00p.m. 1:30p.m.