Healthy Living - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is an occurrence for people who suffer from or witness emotionally overwhelming tragic or threatening events. The diagnosis for PTSD is based on the length of time the trauma occurred and also the degree of trauma experienced. There is some research (Winerman, 2006) which suggests that people scoring higher on cognitive tests may be less vulnerable to PTSD while those scoring lower on IQ scales and other cognitive skills may be at higher risk for developing the disorder. Regardless of how it occurs, it is important for survivors to find ways to work through their traumatic episodes and get a sense of meaning and understanding of the event(s) that have taken place in their lives.
The following are factors which will predict who is at greatest risk for developing this disorder:
Pre-event Factors :
Previous exposure to severe adverse life events or trauma or childhood victimization
Previous history of depression or anxiety
Ineffective coping skills
Early substance abuse
Trouble with authority
Absence of social support to help out in bad times
Multiple early losses such as of people, possessions, home
Women seem to be twice as likely as men to develop PTSD at some time in their lives
Young adults under the age of 25 are more likely to develop the disorder
Event Factors
Geographic closeness to the event
Level of exposure to the event
The events meaning to you
Being a victim of multiple traumatic incidents
Duration of the trauma
Existence of an ongoing threat that the trauma will continue
Being involved in an intentional, man-made traumatic event
Participation in an atrocity as a perpetrator or witness
Post-event Factors
Absence of a good social support system
Not being able to do something about what happened
Indulging in self-pity while neglecting yourself
Having an external locus of control
Inability to find meaning in the suffering
Developing ASD (acute stress disorder)
Having an immediate reaction that includes physiological arousal and avoidant or numbing
The following is a list of symptoms of PTSD:
You have been exposed to a traumatic event that involved actual or threatened death
or serious injury and your response involved intense fear, helplessness, or horror,
or your perception of the event led to these emotions.
You re-experience the event in one or more of the following ways: a) you have recurrent
and intrusive distressing recollections of the event, including images, thoughts or
perceptions; b) you have recurrent distressing dreams of the event; c) you act or
feel as if the traumatic event was recurring, and you may have a sense of re-living
the experience through illusions, hallucinations, and active flashbacks; and/or d)
you experience intense psychological distress or bodily reactions when exposed to
internal or external cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event
(e.g., sights, smells, sounds, dated)
You persistently avoid things of events associated with the trauma and numb you response
using three or more of the following: a) you make a great effort to avoid thoughts,
feelings, or conversations associated with the trauma, or to avoid activities, places,
or people that would cause you to remember the trauma; b) you cant recall an important
aspect of the trauma; c) our interest or participation in activities is much less
than it used to be; d) you fee detached or estranged from others; e) your ability
to feel emotion is restricted, as is your range of emotions (e.g., you are unable
to have loving feelings); and/or f) you have a sense of a foreshortened futureyou
cant see ahead into a far-off future (e.g., you dont expect to have a career, marriage,
children, or a normal life span.)
You also have persistent symptoms of increased physical arousal that were not present
before the trauma, as indicated by two or more of the following: a) you have difficulty
falling or staying asleep; b) you have irritability or outbursts of anger; c) you
have difficulty concentrating; d) you have hyper-vigilance; and/or you have an exaggerated
startle response.
All of these symptoms have lasted more than one month.
Because of these symptoms, you are significantly distressed or impaired in social,
occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
The PTSD is acute if your symptoms have been there less than 3 months, and chronic
if your symptoms have lasted 3 months or longer. It is delayed onset if your symptoms
began at least 6 months after the stressor event(s).
Coping strategies for persons with PTSD
If you feel that you have experienced one or more significant traumatic events in
your life, then there are things that you can do to help yourself cope with the trauma.
Here are some suggestions that may be beneficial for you:
Relaxation and breathing techniques
Journal exercises to help you reveal and deal with your emotions
Deal with your flashbacks through journaling, movement, and halting the disturbing
Manage triggering events
Develop an internal locus of control
Build a social support network
Develop a regular sleep routine
Resolve your anger
Use positive self-affirmations
The specifics for successfully implementing these coping suggestions are complex and
cannot be contained in this article. However, if you are interested in learning more
about these or other techniques, then please be sure to contact me.
Suggested References
A Clinical Handbook/Practical Therapist Manual: For Assessing and Treating Adults
with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
(1994). Meichenbaum. Institute Press.
Coping Through Cognition
(2006). Winerman. Monitor on Psychology Vol. 37, issue 10, p 16-17.
The PTSD Workbook
(2002). Williams amp; Poijula. New Harbinger Publications, Inc.
Questions or Comments?
Please contact: Sabra Jacobs, Professor of Psychology, Big Sandy Community and Technical
College, 1 Bert T. Combs Drive, Prestonsburg, KY 41653; email
; call (606) 889-4778; or stop by my office Pike Building, room 209 f on the Prestonsburg