Graduation Information | BSCTC

BSCTC Closing

BSCTC & the Morehead Extended Campus location at Prestonsburg will be closed from Feb 19th to Feb 21st due to inclement weather.

Graduation Information

On behalf of the Big Sandy Community and Technical College family, I wish to extend a sincere congratulations to all of the BSCTC students applying for their Degree, Diploma or Certificate during this semester!

Big Sandy Community and Technical College announced last year (2013) that starting with the fall semester this year (2014-2015) there would be no December commencement ceremony for the fall term. I assure you this decision to end the December ceremony wasnt made lightly or rushed into.

This decision was based on past attendance of graduating students and limited space for the ceremony. In place of the December ceremony, students and their families are being invited to participate in our 2014-2015 spring ceremony being held at the Mountain Arts Center in May. We commend all of our students for their success and look forward to seeing you in the spring at the MAC.

You will be receiving a graduation letter in the next couple of weeks that will provide more information about the exciting program we will be planning for our students. Again Congratulations!