Floyd County Schools Superintendent Dr. Henry Webb is never short of ideas.
When he approached then-Big Sandy Community and Technical College President Dr. George
D. Edwards about the notion of starting an Early College Academy, both agreed it was
worth a try.
Since then, BSCTC and the Floyd County Schools have not skipped a beat.
This year, 42 Floyd County high school juniors and seniors are full-time students
on BSCTCs Prestonsburg campus and will have the opportunity to graduate high school
with an associate degree.
This was a chance to create new and exciting opportunities for our students, said
Dr. Webb. Im very thankful that our board of education and district have embraced
this concept and it continues to grow.
Since its inception in 2012, 28 students have graduated high school with an associate
degree. Those students have accumulated more than $2.5 million in scholarships.
I want to commend Dr. [Henry] Webb and the Floyd County School District and our institution
for its vision in turning this dream into a reality, said Dr. Devin Stephenson, president
of BSCTC. This Early College Academy is one of the nations finest and we have established
a set of best practices for rural areas across the nation to follow.
Floyd County Schools held a Welcome Back celebration on Tuesday, August 19 in the
Student Center on BSCTCs Prestonsburg campus. Dr. Webb was quick to point out those
who work on the frontlines everyday with the Early College Academy. Those included:
April Steele, gifted and talented coordinator; Sandy Mullins guidance counselor; and
Sandra Tackett, gifted and talented instructor. He also recognized Dale Pack, director
of district-wide services, and Courtney DeRossett, technology/innovation coordinator.
He also recognized the start of the Floyd County Information Technology (IT) Early
College Academy.
The following students are in this years Floyd County Early College Academy: Zachary
Akers, Chelsea Austin, Brianna Branham, Carly Burchett, Zachary Caldwell, Nicholas
Caudill, Kayla Cobern, Dakota Collins, John Cooksey, Byron Cox, Hannah Depoy, Emily
Dillon, Jazmyn Elswick, Jared Tate Greene, Cameron Goble, Josh Grindrod, Sydney Hackworth,
Ryan Hall, Rachel Hampton, Mariana Jacobs, Brantley Johnson, Victoria Johnson, Jenna
Layne, Cheyann Light, Hannah Little, Grant Martin, Wyatt Martin, Amanda McKinney,
Alex Meade, Logan Mullins, Josh Music, Jordan Pack, Matthew Patton, Dylan Poe, Justin
Rowe, Nick Rowe, William Salisbury, Zachary Skaggs, Faith Thornsbury, Kionna Vance,
Kaylee Williams and Matthew Wright.