Big Sandy Idol Holds Auditions for Home-School, Private School Students
The annual Big Sandy Community and Technical College (BSCTC) Big Sandy Idol Competition,
organized by the Music Department of BSCTC, directed by Clayton Case, in partnership
with the Mountain Arts Center, and sponsored by premiere sponsor Gearheart Communications
(www.gearheart.com), is a talent and scholarship competition that offers two winners from each high
school in the five-county area a chance to compete on March 9 amp; 10 at the Mountain
Arts Center to ultimately receive the grand prize of a full-album recording with Producer
Tim Cooley, a full paid vocal scholarship to attend BSCTC, along with a spot with
the Big Sandy Singers who are directed by Laura Ford Hall (The Big Sandy Singers thank
Gold Sponsor Jennifer Reynolds State Farm of Pikeville and Wardrobe Sponsor Unique
BSCTC is again opening the doors of Big Sandy Idol to our area homeschooled and private schooled high school students.
Auditions for homeschooled and private school students (grades 9 - 12) will be held in two different locations for the convenience of the local students one in Prestonsburg at the BSCTC Campus and one in Pikeville.
The Prestonsburg audition will be held on Mon. Feb. 13 from 2-4 PM. at the Pike Building, Gearheart Auditorium on the BSCTC Prestonsburg Campus. To attend the Feb. 13 audition, you must call Laura Ford Hall for an appointment time (between 2-4p.m.) at 424-2498. Students must audition with a karaoke track.
On Thurs., Feb. 16, auditions will be held in Pikeville, by appointment only. Call Hall at (606) 424-2498 to make an appointment for an audition in Pikeville. The call must be made by Saturday, Feb. 11 at 5 PM.
For either audition, students must be in grades 9 12 and they must reside in Floyd, Pike, Johnson, Martin, or Magoffin Counties. Each student must plan to sing one song with a karaoke track.
Tickets are now on sale for the Big Sandy Idol Regional Competition: Semi Finals and Finals on Fri., March 9 and Sat., March 10, at 7p.m. each evening at the MAC. To order call 1-888-MAC-ARTS ($6 for students and $8 for adults).
Call Laura Ford Hall at (606) 424-2498 to make an appointment for an audition and to receive more information. More information is also available at www.bigsandysingers.com.