BSCTC Closing

BSCTC & the Morehead Extended Campus location at Prestonsburg will be closed from Feb 19th to Feb 21st due to inclement weather.



Three Big Sandy Community and Technical College (BSCTC) employees were recognized at the New Horizons conference at the Northern Kentucky Convention Center on Monday, May 18 for their service and dedication to the college.

Joshua Ball, director of college relations, Assessment and Teaching Assistant Linda S. Dyer and Charles Vanhoose, assistant professor of engineering technology, were honored by Kentucky Community and Technical College (KCTCS) President Dr. Jay Box at the statewide conference.

Joshua Ball, center, director of college relations at Big Sandy Community and Technical College, was recognized with the administrative staff award at the New Horizons conference on May 18 at the Northern Kentucky Convention Center.  Ball is shown with Kentucky Community and Technical College President Dr. Jay Box and BSCTC Interim President Dr. Charles V. Chrestman. Joshua Ball

Ball, of River, Ky., oversees public relations, marketing, communications, institutional advancement and grants at BSCTC. He was recognized for the New Horizons administrative award.

As a member of the Presidents Leadership team, Ball has worked at BSCTC for 18 months. He won the New Horizons award at Hazard Community and Technical College in 2010.

Ball has been instrumental in coordinating fundraising efforts for the colleges BuildSmart project (the expansion of the Pikeville campus).

Big Sandy Community and Technical College is the first choice of higher education in the Big Sandy region, said Ball. The role we play in higher education and economic and workforce development is critical, and I am proud to work with an outstanding team of administrators, faculty and staff who put our students first in everything they do.

Ball is a former journalist and came to BSCTC after leading Kentucky Teleworks, an innovative statewide employment program with the East Kentucky Concentrated Employment Program, Inc.

Dr. Charles V. Chrestman, interim president of Big Sandy Community and Technical College, said Ball brings a lot of energy to his position at the college.

Josh is the kind of person that thinks outside of the box and makes things happen, said Dr. Chrestman. He has a passion for the institution and our students.

Linda S. Dyer

Dyer, of Paintsville, Ky., has served as an assessment and teaching assistant for more than 14 years.

Im honored by receiving this award, she said. BSCTC is a great place to work to serve our students. This is the initial stepping stone for our students to aspire their academic goals and educational values.

Nancy Johnson, provost at BSCTC, said dedicated employees like Dyer provide ease and comfort for both traditional and non-traditional students.

Employees like Linda are among the first points of contact our students have, said Dr. Johnson. Linda provides a valuable service and truly cares about the success of all of our students. Shes a valuable asset to our institution.

Charles Vanhoose, center, assistant professor of engineering technology at Big Sandy Community and Technical College, was recognized with the faculty award at the New Horizons conference on May 18 at the Northern Kentucky Convention Center.  Ball is shown with Kentucky Community and Technical College President Dr. Jay Box and BSCTC Interim President Dr. Charles V. Chrestman. Charles Vanhoose

Vanhoose, of East Point, Ky., is an assistant professor of engineering technology. Hes been at BSCTC for more than six years.

To say that I am honored to receive this award, would be a great understatement, said Vanhoose. Our college is full of great people that work so hard, and sacrifice so much to ensure that our students are prepared for the future.

Dr. Johnson said Vanhoose goes above and beyond to connect with his students and connect them with job opportunities beyond graduation.

Charles provides a mentorship to his students that extends far beyond their graduation, said Dr. Johnson. His passion for his field and his students is exemplary and he is a valued member of our team.

Pamela McLaughlin was named to the KCTCS All-Academic Team at the New Horizons conference on May 18 at the Northern Kentucky Convention Center. Hayley Slone was named to the KCTCS All-Academic Team at the New Horizons conference on May 18 at the Northern Kentucky Convention Center. All-Academic Team

Hayley Slone and Pamela McLaughlin was named to the 2015 All-Academic Team. They were recognized at a luncheon on Tuesday, May 19.

Students from each of the 16 KCTCS colleges were chosen for the All-Academic Team based on a rigorous selection process that focuses on academic performance and campus involvement. Each member of the All-Academic Team received a $500 gift from their college, as well as scholarship opportunities as KCTCS graduates to continue their education from 29 Kentucky public and private universities.