BSCTC Fees - Nursing | BSCTC

BSCTC Closing

BSCTC & the Morehead Extended Campus location at Prestonsburg will be closed from Feb 19th to Feb 21st due to inclement weather.

Program Finder

BSCTC Fees - Nursing

BSCTC Fees – Nursing (First Year)

These are estimates of major fees or purchases that are expected while in the nursing program. Semester one is the semester the student enrolls in Nursing 101.

Please note receipt of this cost list is notification of approximate expenses (including, but not limited to) experienced within the program.  Inability to obtain requirements of the program due to insufficient funds is not allowed and may result in removal from the program, depending on program policies.

First Year Semester One Semester two
Tuition and Fees
Resident $2,366 ($182/credit hour) $2,366 ($182/credit hour)
Out-of-State: Contiguous Counties $4,732 ($364/credit hour) $4,732 ($364/credit hour)
Out-of-State: Other $8,281($637/credit hour) $8,281($637/credit hour)
Online Only Courses+
(All Students)
$182 per credit hour  $182 per credit hour 
Mandatory Fee**
(All Students)
**KCTCS BuildSmart Investment
for Kentucky Competitiveness fee             
$104 ($8/credit hour) $104 ($8/credit hour)
Distance Learner Fee***
***Classes with Online Learning Option-Example: Learn on Demand or Learn By Term
$20 per credit hour   $20 per credit hour  
Background Check and Drug Screen (Castlebranch) $85 (Approximate)    $85 (Approximate)
NSG 101
NSG 102



Books/Required Materials/Skills Packs:
NSG 200
NSG 101
NSG 102

*Estimated cost projection of materials


CPR Certification

  $35 (Every 2 Years)

Graduation Cap, Gown
Tassel, & Stole


Immunizations, etc.


Liability Insurance

$11 per semester $11 per semester



 BSCTC Fees – Nursing (Second Year)

These are estimates of major fees or purchases that are expected while in the nursing program.  Semester one is the semester the student enrolls in NRS 203 for the second year.

Please note receipt of this cost list is notification of approximate expenses (including, but not limited to) experienced within the program.  Inability to obtain requirements of the program due to insufficient funds is not allowed and may result in removal from the program, depending on program policies.

Second Year Semester One Semester Two
Tuition & Fees:
Resident $2,366 ($182/credit hour) $2,366 ($182/credit hour)
Contiguous Counties
$4,732 ($364/credit hour) $4,732 ($364/credit hour)
Online Only Courses+
(All Students)
8,281 ($637/credit hour) 8,281 ($637/credit hour)
Mandatory Fee**
(All Students)
**KCTCS BuildSmart Investment
for Kentucky Competitiveness fee
$104 ($8/credit hour) $104 ($8/credit hour)
Distance Learner Fee***
***Classes with Online Learning Option-Example: Learn on Demand
or Learn By Term
$20 per credit hour $20 per credit hour
Background Check and Drug Screen (Castlebranch) $85 (Approximate) $85 (Approximate)

Books/Required Materials/Skills Packs:
NSG 203
NSG 204

*Estimated cost projection of materials


NSG 203
NSG 204


Graduation Cap, Gown
Tassel, and Stole
Immunizations, etc. $250  
KBN Application and Associated Fees:
(FBI, State Checks, and
Jurisprudence Exam)
Liability Insurance $11 per semester      $11 per semester