Application Requirements
Big Sandy accepts two cohorts a year into the nursing program.
- The Pikeville cohort begins in January 2025, with a deadline to Apply of November 14, 2024 based on the outcome of those applications, students could have extension to Tuesday, November 21st, 2024.
- The Prestonsburg cohort begins in August 2025, with a deadline to Apply of March 1, 2025.
- All students who have attended a pre-admission nursing conference and are applying to the Nursing Modular Pathway program must submit a completed file. The completed file must be submitted to Brenda Miller on the Prestonsburg campus Campbell Bldg. C 120 or Sonja Crider on the Pikeville campus Clayton Little Bldg. 3rd floor office suite by the deadlines listed above.
To complete the admission process the student must submit all required documentation listed below. The submitted materials will be reviewed and a checklist will be signed verifying the completed file when the documents are complete. The student will be provided with a copy of the signed checklist for their records.
The original form will be retained by the Nursing Department and placed in the student’s file. If Brenda Miller or Sonja Crider are unavailable, please see Jeffery Hicks or Charlene Carroll for further instruction.
The student will assume all responsibility in the delivery of their documents to complete the admission process.
Required Materials
for a Completed File
Attendance at a Pre-Admission Nursing Conference
Official High School Transcript or GED
Official Transcripts from all Post-Secondary Education or Training Facilities.
(This Excludes any KCTCS College/School) -
Results of the National ACT Test or TEAS Exam
Kentucky State Registry for Nurse Aide License Number or Documentation of Schedule to Complete the Nurse Aide requirement prior to the beginning of NSG 101.