Computer and Information Technologies Program Check List
Required Courses
General Education Requirements
- ENG 101 - Writing I - 3 Credits
- MAT 126 - Technical Algebra and Trigonometry (or higher) - 3 Credits
- Social/ Behavioral Science Course - 3 Credits
- Heritage/ Humanities Course - 3 Credits
- Natural Sciences Course - 3 Credits
Subtotal: 15 Credits
Technical Core Requirements
- CIT 105 - Introduction to Computers - 3 Credits
- CIT 111 - Computer Hardware and Software - 4 Credits
- CIT 120 - Computational Thinking - 3 Credits
- CIT 170 - Database Design Fundamentals - 3 Credits
- CIT 180 - Security Fundamentals - 3 Credits
- Approved Level I Networking Course - 3 Credits
- Approved Level I Programming Language Course - 3 Credits
- CIT 293 - CIT Employability Studies - 1 Credit
Subtotal: 24 Credits
Degree Track Courses: 21-24 Credits
Total Hours for Program: 60-63 Credits
Approved Level 1 Networking Courses
- CIT 160 - Intro to Networking Concepts - 4 Credits
- CIT 161 - Introduction to Networks - 4 Credits
Approved Level 1 Programming Language Courses
- CIT 140 JavaScript I - 3 Credits
- CIT 141 PHP I - 3 Credits
- CIT 142 C++ I - 3 Credits
- CIT 143 C# I - 3 Credits
- CIT 144 Python I - 3 Credits
- CIT 144 Perl I - 3 Credits
- CIT 146 Swift I - 3 Credits
- CIT 147 Programming I: Language - 3 Credits
- CIT 148 Visual Basic I - 3 Credits
- CIT 149 Java I - 3 Credits
- CIT 171 SQL I - 3 Credits
- University Level I programming language as approved by local program coordinator - 3-4 Credits
Degree Track Courses
Information Security Track
- CIT 182 Perimeter Defense - 3 Credits
- CIT 184 Attacks and Exploits - 3 Credits
- CIT 217 UNIX/Linux Administration - 3 Credits
- Approved Network Elective Course - 3 Credits
- Approved Network Elective Course - 3 Credits
- Approved Security Elective Course - 3 Credits
- Approved CIT Technical Course - 3 Credits
Track Subtotal: 21 Credits
Network Administration Track
- Network Administration Courses - 12 Credits
Sequence In:- Microsoft Windows Administration
- Cisco Network Associate
- Approved CIT Technical Courses - 9-12 Credits
Track Subtotal: 21-24 Credits