Business Administration
Can you picture yourself in an office setting, collaborating with a team to solve business problems? We can help you get there.
What is Business Administration?
Businesses want to hire individuals who enhance productivity, work well in teams, and possess excellent interpersonal and presentation skills. The Business Administration program is designed for those seeking entry-level jobs as well as current employees wanting to improve their skills. This program will prepare you for a variety of business careers.

Getting Started
What are my degree, diploma, and certificate options?
Business Administration AAS Accounting track: 63 total credit hours | Requirements |
business administration AAS management track: 63 total credit hours | Requirements |
Business Administration AAS Hospitality management track: 62 total credit hours | Requirements |
Administrative assistant diploma: 42 total credit hours | Requirements |
Financial Assistant Diploma: 38-39 total credit hours | Requirements |
Office assistant diploma: 36 total credit hours | Requirements |
Organizational leadership diploma: 39-43 total credit hours | Requirements |
small business management diploma: 37-40 total credit hours | Requirements |
accounting certificate: 18 total credit hours | Requirements |
Accounting Recordkeeping specialist certificate: 18 total credit hours | Requirements |
Administrative certificate: 30 total credit hours | Requirements |
advanced business administration certificate: 18 total credit hours | Requirements |
business transfer certificate: 18 total credit hours | Requirements |
data entry operator certificate: 6 total credit hours | Requirements |
entrepreneurship certificate: 15 total credit hours | Requirements |
Financial assistant clerk certificate: 18 total credit hours | Requirements |
Financial assistant trainee certificate: 12 total credit hours | Requirements |
financial perspectives certificate: 15 total credit hours | Requirements |
financial record keeper certificate: 30 total credit hours | Requirements |
general business certificate: 12 total credit hours | Requirements |
hospitality management certificate: 17 total credit hours | Requirements |
human resource management certificate: 18 total credit hours | Requirements |
integrated office skills certificate: 21 total credit hours | Requirements |
management certificate: 15 total credit hours | Requirements |
operations management certificate: 15 total credit hours | Requirements |
payroll accounting specialist certificate: 9 total credit hours | Requirements |
public leadership certificate: 18 total credit hours | Requirements |
receptionist certificate: 12 total credit hours | Requirements |
small business management certificate: 18 total credit hours | Requirements |
supervisory management certificate: 18 total credit hours | Requirements |
team leadership certificate: 18 total credit hours | Requirements |
How Do I Pay For This?
What Else Do I Need to Know?
Length of Program
You can earn an associate in applied science degree in two years if you maintain full-time status.
This information should not be considered a substitute for the KCTCS Catalog. You should always choose classes in cooperation with your faculty advisor to ensure that you meet all degree requirements.