Our Associate Degree Nursing program prepares graduates to use their skill and knowledge to fulfill the role of the nurse and is supported by the works of the National League for Nursing (NLN) Education. Competencies and Quality and Safety Education in Nursing (QSEN). The NLN Outcomes and Competencies for Graduates of Associate Degree Programs in Nursing which serve as goals of nursing education for entry into nursing practice are: human flourishing, nursing judgment, professional identity, and spirit of inquiry. QSEN competencies which were developed to prepare future nurses to have the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to continuously improve the quality and safety of healthcare are: patient centered care, safety, informatics, teamwork and collaboration, evidenced based practice, and quality improvement. These core components are introduced, developed and built upon through the curriculum. Graduates are eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). The Associate Degree Nursing curriculum is organized around that clearly defined conceptual framework and combines general education and nursing courses. The nursing courses correlate classroom and clinical instruction in a variety of community agencies. Acceptance into the Associate Degree Nursing program is based on a selective admissions process. In order to be considered for admission, applicants must comply with college and program admission requirements. Progression in the Associate Degree Nursing program is contingent upon achievement of a grade of “C” or better in each biological science, nursing and mathematics course and maintenance of a 2.0 cumulative grade-point average or better (on a 4.0 scale). Completion of the nursing program will meet the KCTCS graduate requirement of digital literacy. Upon graduation, the Kentucky Board of Nursing will determine the graduate’s eligibility to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN). NOTE: The Kentucky Board of Nursing may denyu a nursing graduate admission to the NCLEX-RN Exam is an individual has been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony which involves acts that bear directly on the qualifications of the graduate to practice nursing.
Admission Requirements
Our Nursing Modular Pathway Program is a selective admissions program. Guidelines for admission are outlined in the Nursing Pre-Admissions Conference. All students are required to attend a Pre-Admissions Conference. No registration is required to attend. The Pre-Admissions Conference is the first step for all students. *Successful completion of an equivalent Nursing Assistant Skills I (NAA 100) course, proof of active status on the Kentucky Medicaid Nurse Aid Registry, an American Heart Association’s CPR certificate for Health Care Providers is required prior to enrolling in the first nursing course. CPR certification must be kept current throughout the program.
BSCTC is an equal educational and employment opportunity institution.
Note: Students who require developmental courses should take them in the first semester. Schedule subject to change.
PREREQUISITES: Students must complete the following courses before enrolling in NRS 101, the first nursing course. |
NAA | 100 | Nursing Assistant SKills I* | 3 | |
BIO | 137 | Human Anatomy & Physiology | 4 | |
MAT | 146 | Contemporary Mathematics OR |
3 | |
Higher Level Quantitative Reasoning Course | (3) | |||
PSY | 110 | General Psychology | 3 | |
Subtotal | 13 |
First Year - Semester One | ||||
NSG | 101 | Nursing Practice I | 9 | |
BIO | 139 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II | 3 | |
Subtotal | 13 |
First Year - Semester Two | ||||
NSG | 212 | Behavioral Health Nursing | 3 | |
NSG | 219 | Medical Surgical Nursing I | 7 | |
ENG | 101 | Writing I | 3 | |
Subtotal | 13 |
Second Year - Semester One | ||||
NSG | 211 | Maternal Newborn Nursing | 3 | |
NSG | 229 | Medical Surgical Nursing II | 7 | |
BIO | 225 | Medical Microbiology | 4 | |
Subtotal | 14 |
Second Year - Semester Two | ||||
NSG | 213 | Pediatric Nursing | 3 | |
NSG | 239 | Medical Surgical Nursing III | 6 | |
Heritage/Humanities Course | 3 | |||
Subtotal | 12 | |||
Total Program Credits | 65 |