Arts, Humanities, and Communication
Programs that focus on human culture, creativity, and expression. Explore what BSCTC offers to start a career in Arts, Humanities, and Communication.
Success Coach Information
Melissa (Missy) Spears
Hi, my name is Melissa (Missy) Spears. I am an Academic Advisor on the Prestonsburg campus. I’m located in the Advising Center in room 106. I earned my BA in Human Services and Counseling in 2008 through Lindsey Wilson College. I am married and have two adult daughters, 7 grandchildren 1 adult grandson, and one great-granddaughter. My Faith, family, and friends make every day so rewarding. I am blessed to be able to be part of this team that encourages each student to believe in themselves and push through challenges in reaching their personal goals.
Academic Advisor
Big Sandy Community and Technical College
One Bert T. Combs. Dr.
Prestonsburg, KY 41653
Office: (606) 886-7351 ext. 67351
To schedule an appoint – https://calendly.com/mspears0046