BSCTC Honor Society Wins Numerous Awards
Big Sandy Community & Technical College is proud to announce the Phi Theta Kappa Honor
Society (PTK) Hallmark Awards received by its Alpha Nu Zeta Chapter.
BSCTC’s Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), Alpha Nu Zeta Chapter won first and third place
In the Honors in Action Project and the College Project. The Honors in Action Project incorporates academic research and analysis, action, collaboration, and impacts on society.
The College Project supports the college mission through servant-leadership. For the past year, PTK members served as student ambassadors for the college. They helped with college tours, student registration, and recruitment events.
Alpha Nu Zeta received the Distinguished Team Officer Award for their exemplary teamwork to accomplish the goals of the chapter. Two officers, Kimberly Robinson and Carrie Murray received the Distinguished Chapter Officer Awards.
Professors Dr. Kathryn Miller, Mark Wells, and Diana Pack received the Distinguished Chapter Advisor Team Award and the Horizon Award. The Distinguished Advisor Award was awarded to Dr. Kathryn Miller and Professor Mark Wells. Professor Diana Pack won the Paragon Award for new advisors.
BSCTC President Sherry Zylka expressed her enthusiasm, “The entire BSCTC body is very proud of the great accomplishments of our PTK students. They have worked diligently and are nationally recognized leaders. We admire and respect the professor-advisors who passionately lead the Alpha Nu Zeta Chapter.”
Phi Theta Kappa, the official honor society for two-year colleges, has helped millions of high-achieving college students reach their full potential. PTK inducts students based upon their academic success and provides opportunities to develop professional and leadership skills, earn scholarships and explore career paths.
Recognition, transfer scholarships, career, leadership training, and a strong network of scholars are just some of the benefits of joining Phi Theta Kappa. For more information regarding the Honor Society, email Professor Diana Pack at dpack0014@kctcs.edu