BSCTC’s Brooke Fields Awarded Kent Rose Auto Tech Scholarship
Brooke Fields was bleeding brakes when she was just six years old. Her grandfather,
a well-known mechanic in Pike County, told her at that young age, “I’m going to raise
you to be independent so you don’t have to depend on anybody else.” He succeeded.
Brooke is currently finishing her first year in the Automotive Technology Program at BSCTC, and she has big plans to move on to diesel repair when she completes this degree. Before Brooke left high school she had already obtained an oil change certification.
Determined, humble, and confident in who she is, Brooke is very much into the car show circuit. She owns a 2016 one-for-one Dodge Dart, which is her pride and joy. She likes to learn all she can about it—even taking it apart and putting it back together just to understand more. She “bathes” her car twice a week. Brooke loves car shows because she loves the children who are drawn to her electric blue Dart.
Brooke is very smart, creative, and ready to seize the next opportunity. She loves being busy. She currently works two jobs and attends college in the evenings. Even though she works a lot and participates in many car shows, Brooke made the Dean’s list last semester. She is fearless and has always been independent. “I have to go about things my own way, because it’s even better when you come up with your own method of doing something.”
A natural leader, Brooke plans to one day own her own mechanic shop. Brooke’s hard work is already paying off as she is catching the attention of the drag racing world by receiving the Kent Rose Automotive Technology Foundation scholarship. “We are pleased that Brooke is our scholarship recipient. She has the intellect and the courage to lead the industry. She also has the heart for eastern Kentucky and the love of children that captured the Foundation’s focus,” stated Gina Rose, Chairperson of the Kent Rose Foundation.
For more information on the Automotive Technology Program at BSCTC contact Heath Keathley at hkeathley0002@kctcs.edu