BSCTC’s Brand New Sustainable Agriculture Certification Begins in March | BSCTC

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BSCTC’s Brand New Sustainable Agriculture Certification Begins in March

A selection of fresh vegies hanging from a bar and in a basket bellow them.The new old ways are coming back to the mountain folks of eastern Kentucky. It’s the best practices of the hardest days when our ancestors gardened, canned, butchered, and lived based upon their own genius, determination, and brawn. Now, fast forward to 2019. This is a day when we value those old ways that are blurry daydreams coming from our ancient and modern past.  

Our scenario begs a monumental question: what do we do when we lose our past? We at BSCTC contemplate the state of eastern Kentucky and how we are going to bridge the future to the past. When curiosities spur us to (re)learn the old ways of living, BSCTC is right there in the middle of question and answer. We are the bridge that gathers the recollections of bygone days with the progress, know-how, and modern technology to elevate our agrarian heritage—and practice sustainable lifeways.

We are pleased to announce that beginnings of a mighty grassroots act has spurred higher education to respond for the benefit of people, land, and culture. We are pleased to introduce the Sustainable Agriculture Certificate which prepares students for a variety of jobs in agriculture, both production and value-added, with a range of skills and knowledge.

Beyond the general education core requirements, students will pursue classes such as horticulture, organic agriculture, and an agriculture internship. “We have planned an authentic experience of holistic gardening and with the principles of botany to create more effective mountain gardeners” stated Professor Tammy Ball and Dr. Tom Vierheller, program directors. This experience will also provide the space for multiple generations of students to work together and draw closer in their understanding of health and wellness through growing our own food. “There is great satisfaction in growing the food that we put on the table for our families to eat” stated Tammy Ball, “and until you actually do that, you cannot be fully aware of the brilliance of garden to table.” 

The Sustainable Agriculture Certificate begins with its first course, Horticulture Science (AGR 160) on March 21 from 5:00 pm through 7:30 p.m. It will meet every Thursday evening in Pike Building Room 104.

Donovan Scholars are welcome.

For more details and to register, please contact one of the following student services specialists:

  • Lisa Newman, at 606-218-2060 ext. 81205
  • Stephanie Vanhoose at 606-886-3863 ext. 82814
  • Carla Branham at 606-886-3863 ext. 94827