BSCTC Hosts Walk-Thru Graduation | BSCTC

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BSCTC Hosts Walk-Thru Graduation

Jerrica Jude of Martin County graduated with her daughter Amelia. Big Sandy Community & Technical College held a graduation ceremony at the Mountain Arts Center on May 6, 7, and 8, 2021. Due to gathering restrictions of COVID protocols determined by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), graduation was modified for safety.  

Unprecedented for BSCTC, the walk-thru graduation allowed students and two family members the opportunity to mark the important milestone of receiving their diploma. One hundred forty-seven students participated over the three days. 

BSCTC President Sherry Zylka remarked, “The walk-thru graduation was very different from prior graduations, but it was equally remarkable. The smaller ceremony created a more personal experience for all who participated.

Dr. Denise King, Provost/ Chief Academic Officer, welcomed graduates and guests, led a moment of silent reflection, and presented the graduates to President Zylka to receive their diplomas. 

During her address to the graduates, Dr. Zylka acknowledged the challenges of 2020, and she emphasized that they earned their degrees; no one can ever take away one’s education. She closed graduation by stating, “You are now a part of the BSCTC family forever—no matter where you go. We are here for you always.”

For more information about the growing BSCTC Alumni Association, please contact Kelli Martin at