Barbara Morrison's Captivating Art Takes Center Stage at McCall Art Gallery | BSCTC

Barbara Morrison's Captivating Art Takes Center Stage at McCall Art Gallery

Published on Feb 6, 2024

Morrison ArtLocal artist and former student Barbara Morrison is showcasing her talent at the McCall Art Gallery on the Prestonsburg Campus of Big Sandy Community and Technical College (BSCTC). Her art show will be available until March 1, 2024. The exhibit promises an adventure through Morrison's evolving artistic journey, spanning the past two to three years of dedicated professional work.

Morrison shared, reflecting on her artistic evolution, "I have been professionally doing art on and off the past two or three years. If I include the amount of schooling related to the arts, I'd say I've been on this scene for four or so years." Her pieces reflect the culmination of her artistic endeavors and commitment to the craft. 

Take time to see Barbara's work by visiting the McCall Art Gallery.